Raymond Cao is a full stack software engineer at Everlaw, a cloud-based ediscovery platform. He enjoys converting teaching others the ways of computer science and spends too much time researching new JavaScript libraries, computer hardware, and convenient open source tools.
Here is the link to resume.
Sc.B. in Computer Science, 2021
Brown University
ECMAScript 2016+
Hooks and all
Custom Themes
NOT Angular
In this project I use GPT-2, a cutting edge language model, to analyze farewell addresses from 3 U.S. Presidents.
The Brown Political Review (BPR) is a student run publication at Brown University. In the fall of 2018, I was hired by BPR to lead its effort to build a new website to replace its slow, aging one.
As the final project of Brown University’s Deep Learning course, I teamed up with 3 classmates to reimplement the models and reproduce the results from the paper Fake News Identification on Twitter with Hybrid CNN and RNN Models (2018).
This was my final project for Brown University’s Data Science course, and I worked in a group with 3 other classmates. The purpose of our project was to pull in U.
During Hack@Brown 2018, I worked with three other students to design and develop a React.js app that took in Chinese text and output the corresponding pinyin as well as English translations of user-selected text.